Natural Cure for Yeast Infection

The yeast infection is a dreaded condition that afflicts a majority of the population at least once in their lives. The culprit for this bane is the Candida albicans fungus, which is a type of yeast that thrives within humans and finds the normal body conditions as ideal for growth. More common in women than men, the Candida species causes severe burning and itching in the genital area, also pain while urinating or during intercourse. Another common symptom of the vaginal yeast infection is the presence of abnormal discharge.

Doctors are able to diagnose the yeast infection through laboratory tests and also a pelvic examination. Most of them would recommend or prescribe over the counter meds to help relieve the symptoms associated with yeast infection. If you think you have tried all the creams, medicines, and ointments for yeast infection, then isn't it about time you tried something else? Perhaps you have heard of a natural cure for yeast infection.

Why do some people opt to go all natural when it comes to cures? When you go for a natural cure for yeast infection, you avoid adding more of the bad stuff in your body, such as unknown drugs or chemicals. Because people react very differently to synthetic substances, you can never be sure about the side effects you might manifest. Studies have shown that in one form of another, complementary and alternative forms of medicine, such as natural cures, can actually be as effective as most conventional medical methods. On top of that, when you go for a natural cure for yeast infection, you can save yourself hundreds of dollars in medical treatments and over the counter drugs.

The secret to the natural cure for yeast infection lies in the proper diet and the right health habits. As many expert sources would say, eating the wrong kinds of food can actually aggravate the spread of Candida in the body. This is not only limited to the genital area, but yeast infections can also occur in the intestinal lining, the esophagus, tongue, heart, as well as the skin. The key component in your diet which you probably love but have to cut down on is sugar. Any form of sugar also includes starch from vegetables, grains, pastas, rice, and the like. Sugar provides a lot of food for the Candida fungus, so eating less of this and using sugar substitutes is best.

Hydrating your body is also a good part of the natural way to being yeast-free. Avoid overly sweet and caffeine filled drinks, and stick to water and some natural fruit juices. You may also drink herbal teas for antioxidants and added vitamins and minerals. It is also wise to avoid eating too much of the processed food, as some antibiotics and chemicals present in them may adversely affect the reduction of yeast in your body. Health experts and holistic sources recommend you to go organic with your choice of meats, poultry, and fruits and vegetables.

Learn more about the natural cure for yeast infection by Sarah Summer.